Monday, March 28, 2011

18 months...better late than never

I have a year-and-a-half old little boy. And that is exactly what he is--alllll BOY!! What fun he is, too! The monkey had his 18 month well visit on Wednesday, and he is such a little ham. All the nurses and Dr. H love him. After she gave him a good look over, Dr. H picked him up and said she needed some loving, and he gave her a big old hug and kiss! Poor Felicia, the nurse that came in next to give him his 2 shots, didn't get the same love, but he did give her a sweet wave and the most pitiful "bubye" when she was done. He has a mouth full of teeth, and we're pretty sure at least 1 of his 2-year molars is trying to make its way through (hello drool!). He weighed in at 27 pounds (70%) and is 34 inches tall (90%)!! Such a big boy!

Hampton is becoming a lot more verbal these days. He still doesn't have much to say unless he is asked to say it, but every once in a while we'll get a little surprise from him. He's started to repeat a lot of words when asked, will point out different parts of his body (and when you say mouth, rather than pointing, he yells! ha!), and will tell us what noises different animals make.

His favorite thing EVER is to be outside. And bubbles. Anytime we open the door, he runs out and yells "BUBBLES"!! It is so funny! Balls come in an extremely close second to bubbles. He always wants to wear his rain boots b/c they have balls on them. He'll bring them to me and say "Shoes. Ball. Out. BUBBLES!!!!"

He also started daycare this past month. He really seems to like it, and the teacher has great things to say about how he interacts with the other kids. I was so worried, so it makes me feel so much better that he has taken to it so well.

When asked if he has said good morning/good night/hi/etc. to Baby Colton, he stops in his tracks, comes over to me and lifts my shirt, pats my belly and gives it a big kiss! I can't put into words how adorable that is! (I hope he still feels this way when another human is actually around!!)

Each day is a new adventure, and I love learning right along with my little guy.

Pictures were quite the task this month...I tried 2 days in a row!
Sorry, Mr. Bear, I think your monthly picture days may be over!
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Saturday, March 19, 2011

We need your vote!!

Happy Saturday, lovely readers! I've entered a picture of Hampton that I just adore in a facebook contest, and I'd LOVE for your help to get him in the Top 10!! It's to win a painting from Modern Bird of the photo I've entered. All you have to do is "like" Modern Bird Studios and then "like" his picture. Any extra votes would be greatly appreciated! (And, ps, if you have a fan page, you can vote from there, too!! And-side note-leave me a link to your fan page...I'd love to see what some of my readers do!) The contest ends Monday!

This link will take you directly to his picture, but you'll have to like Modern Bird's page before you can like the picture.

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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

ow, hot!

I try my hardest to teach Hampton why I'm telling him not to touch things or the reason why I'm not handing him his dinner right off the stove or out of the microwave. He's always at my feet in the bathroom while I get ready for work in the mornings, and I use a straightening iron everyday. When he comes close and tries to reach up to grab it, I'll say, "Don't touch! Hot! Ow!" and pull away my hand quickly. He now points at the straightener and says "ow" so I think he's getting it. With food, I say "Too hot, help mommy blow it" and we'll both blow on whatever he has to eat to buy time until I think it's cooled off enough. So, the other day, we were playing in his room, and he was fascinated by his night light. I went with the "Don't touch! Hot!" response as he reached for the bulb, completely expecting him to say "ow" and back away. Instead, he got real close to it, and started blowing on it! It was pretty funny! I think we've gotten the messages crossed though, and I may need to come up with a new approach to keep him away from objects that could hurt him...!
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Monday, March 14, 2011

21 weeks!

How far along: 21 weeks, 2 days
Total weight gain/loss: Not sure. With the stomach bug, maybe +5-6 lbs.
Maternity clothes: Some pants. I don't own any for the in between season, and I'm trying to avoid buying any!
Stretch marks: Not on the stomach, and nothing new
Sleep: Had a couple of rough nights recently. Starting sleeping with my big pregnancy pillow, so I'm trying to get used to that.
Best moment this week: We finalized a name! Colton Eli :)
Movement: Here and there. Not feeling much.
Food cravings: None
Gender: It's a BOY!! :)
Labor Signs: None
Belly Button in or out: In
What I miss: Not being exhausted. Maybe in a few years I'll feel rested! ha!
What I am looking forward to: Meeting this little guy!
Milestones: Average size-10.5 in, 12.7 oz.; Baby gulps down several ounces of amniotic fluid every day, both for hydration and nutrition and to practice swallowing and digesting. And, these days, those taste buds actually work! Studies show that after birth, babies are most interested in tastes they've already experienced through amniotic fluid. (Interesting...!)

The belly has popped. Picture from 20w6d:
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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

stomach bug

The stomach bug attacked me on Friday of last week, and I am FINALLY starting to feel normal again. That thing is no joke. I spent the day getting sick, and by late afternoon, I called Jordan to call my doctor b/c I had kept no fluids or food down all day. Dr. H decided that the best idea was to head on in to Labor & Delivery and just get a quick check up for myself and the munchkin. This was the last thing I wanted to do, but I'm so glad I did. After 4+ hours, many blood draws, 2 bags of fluids, and zofran pumped straight into my veins, I started to feel a little better. I was still sick on Saturday, but it wasn't nearly as bad. By Sunday, I was up and moving around. This turned out to be a good thing because it was Jordan's turn around 6 am on Sunday morning. Poor guy! Thankfully, the grandparents were there to help out all weekend long with Hampton, and so far (finger's crossed!), he has avoided catching it. I don't know how, but I'm thankful for it!! The house has now been cleaned and sanitized, and I pray that bug stays far, far away!

I have lots of posts to catch up on....20 weeks! Baby's name! Cuteness that is Hampton! Blog awards! Bare with me while I catch up on the past week's events!
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