J and I got married on June 4, 2005. I went on birth control about a month before the wedding and hated it! Around August, I started talking to J about coming off of birth control. In October, 2005, we decided to go off BCP and start trying. We just had fun the first six months. After that, I started using OPKs. I detected my surge each and every month like clockwork. When October, 2006, rolled around, we started to think something was up. I was too scared to go to the doctor, so I put it off!
In January, 2007, I made an appointment with my obgyn to talk about everything. She did CD3 bloodwork and had J do a SA. The SA came back with very low count and borderline low everthing else :( She recommended that we go to the RE. Once again, we were scared--and shocked, honestly--and didn't make an appointment with the RE until May. He did another SA (same results) and then told us IVF would probably be our only option. He wanted to do some bloodwork on J whenever we were ready. Once again, we waited...
Shortly after that appointment, my mom told me about a news story she saw on the local news channel about "The Conception Kit." A kit sold from Canada where you have sex normally, collect the semen in a "condom," put it all into a collection cup, and put the cup up next to the cervix for the night. It was only $300, so we thought it was worth a shot. It came with a 3-month supply-August-BFN, September-BFN, October-BFN...
So, in November I finally called the doctor back and we got the b/w done. Our doctor gave us a 1-2% chance of getting pregnant on our own or with IUI and strongly suggested IVF w/ ICSI. We started the IVF process in February 2008.
Schedule for IVF #1:
Feb 17-Start BCP
Feb 25-TOT & SIS
March 5-Start lupron
March 11-Start Follistim & menopur
March 19-Trigger
March 21-ER; start PIO (15 embryos!)
March 26-ET (2 blasts transferred, 7 made it to freeze)
April 1-BFP!!
April 4-Beta-210
April 7-Beta-179 (they suspected twins and I was losing one)
April 9-Beta-153 (everyone still hopeful...but me)
April 14-Beta-12 (it's official-chemical pregnancy)
April 28- Follow up appointment--no reason for m/c other than "it happens;"
scheduled to do FET #1 in June
Schedule for FET #1:
May 28- Start Estrace
June 14- Start PIO 2x a day
June 20- ET (2 blasts transferred)
July 2- Beta-BFN :(
And that brings us to today...
I knew our stories were similiar but seriously?! we started 10/05 then saw the dr 1/07 and then saw the RE 5/07! Crazy.....
Just wondering when your DH got his Blood work back what they said? My DH was just tested and has very low testosterone.....I am so scared because we can't afford IVF. i just wanted to cry my eyes out......my email is sharlykay143@aol.com
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