Thursday, April 9, 2009

Writer's Block

Hellooo friends! I know you've been checking in, but I haven't been writing. Bad blogger! I started a few posts last week and just left them. I had nothing to write about. I guess it's better to have a dull life/pregnancy rather than a drama filled one, no? So, let's play catch up...

Lost: Pregnant Lady's Brain! This symptom has resulted in little blue post-its covering my desk and littering my purse, countless reminders popping up on my computer screen, and several reminder e-mails sent from me to me. And, unfortunately, I've still managed to be late on 2 bills. Holy cow! How does a smart, very organized person get to this point?? Little baby, please let mommy have some of her memory back! Thankyouverymuch.

I'm officially in the 2nd tri!! Actually, I'm now in week 14. (14!!) So far, this pregnancy has flown by! I can hardly believe it. I still have not gotten to see my OB, though! My RE's office called the hospital to set up my appointment and the first one they had available was April 23! When I'm almost 16 weeks. This was set up back in March, when I graduated from the RE during the 10th week. Good gosh, that was way too long for me to wait! I called my RE and asked if they would see me just one more time to ease my mind during the long wait. It wasn't a problem for them, so we got to see the monkey again last week at 13w3d. Everything looked great! I don't know if we'll get an u/s at our appointment on the 23rd, but I sure hope we do. I love getting to see our sweet little monkey!! And I really hope we can find out if it is a boy or girl! We'll see....

I promised myself that I wouldn't do it, but I purchased a doppler. We tried to hear the heartbeat one time last Tuesday (the day before our appointment), but couldn't find it. I'm told that it can be hard to locate, especially that early, so we decided to put it away and try again later. We haven't pulled it out again yet. Jordan and I promised each other that we would not freak out if we have a hard time finding the heartbeat next time. We are not professionals!

Please notice that I've added the followers feature to the right. Thanks to those who have already been added!! I want to know who's reading, so sign up! If you're reading about me, I want to make sure to add you to my prayer list and be reading your blog (if you have one). And, if you know someone who is dealing with IF, please let them know about the blog. Though I am no longer in the deep, depressing trenches of IF & TTC, I want others to look at my story as a story of hope!

That's it for now. I'll try to be a better blogger in the future!


Hillary said...

I'm thrilled your pregnancy is going so well -- you're in the 2nd tri! How awesome is that. :) Congrats!

Megan and David said...

Glad to hear a great update! Pregnancy is pretty amazing, huh!?