Tuesday, November 24, 2009

2 Months!

I can't believe my little man is already 2 months old! Where has the time gone? He is growing so fast and making new discoveries each day. He is loving all the fans and lights around the house, and is starting to focus on us and follow us with his eyes. And, I may be biased, but I'm pretty sure he gets cuter by the day!

Hampton had his first shots this morning and he was not pleased. Our appointment took forever, so he was already crying when the nurse came in. Add needles into the mix, and you have one unhappy baby. :( Thankfully, as soon as Jordan picked him up, he was perfectly fine and has been sleeping the day away.

2 month stats:
Weight: 10 lbs, 6.5 oz; 25th%
Height: 21 1/4 in; 25th%
Head circumference: 15 1/2 in; b/w 25th and 50th%
Dr. H said he was on the "petite" side, but growing as he should!


Jennifer said...

Happy 2 Month Birthday sweetie!

Laura said...

What a cute little peanut! :) He seems so small now that Cam is almost 6 months. Hehe :)