Friday, November 11, 2011

what I've been up to...

As the end of my maternity leave started to creep up on me, I knew that something had to change. Although I was still only going to be working 3 days a week, the thought of leaving my baby that soon was killing me. I knew Hampton would be okay (because he loved his babysitter already), but Colton was only 2 and a half months old. I had been praying for a long time that this change would happen, talking with Jordan, and talking with my dad about what it could possibly mean. And 1 week before I was to return to work, my boss asked if I could meet him for lunch. After catching up on things, he presented the idea that I become a contract worker for the company--meaning, working on my time, only being in the office about 4 hours a week, and no other responsibilities except accounting. It's exactly what I wanted to hear. And exactly what I wanted to do. After writing up a proposal, agreements were made, and I was free! I'm now working for my dad and taking on different accounting jobs, and getting to be at home with my boys at least 3 days a week. Because of some private issues with our babysitter, she had to stop watching kids for a bit (hopefully she'll be taking them back soon b/c Hampton and I love her!), so Hampton is now enrolled at Mother's Day Out at a church right down the street 2 days a week. Colton stays with my dad on Wednesday mornings while I spend some time at the office, and the rest of my days are spent playing, loving on, and enjoying these boys. And I work during nap time...most days...and sometimes in the evenings. I'm definitely not making the big bucks, but I wouldn't trade it. I'm so thankful!
Seriously, how cute is this?!

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Jennifer said...

That's wonderful!

Jessica White said...

Sounds absolutely perfect! So glad that things worked out better than you hoped for!