Wednesday, July 8, 2009

It's my blog, and I'll cry if I want to

I sit here, on the verge of tears, begging God to let the next 3 months fly by. I know there are so many things to do; I know I need this time to prepare for this baby; I know, I know, I know, but I am OVER IT. I have really tried my hardest to not complain about pregnancy. Honestly, I'm really not that uncomfortable, sleeping so far hasn't been a problem, and all in all I don't have any real issues. I don't have much to complain about. Except this freaking thorn in my side called "morning" sickness. It will not go away, and I don't know how much more I can handle. It is exhausting, frustrating, and down right annoying to be sick since February with no end in sight (well, OCTOBER). Luckily, I am not throwing up everyday (though I do have this joy a few times a week), but I am nauseous most mornings, most evenings, and lucky me, recently, most hours during the day. Reflux has become my worst nightmare. You know, that whole "I just threw up in my mouth" thing is gross when it happens randomly. It's disgusting when it happens multiple times a day, every day. I know I am so blessed to even BE pregnant, but I take it back and I will never say again that "I want morning sickness." I know it will be worth it in the end...I just want the end to be here a little quicker!


Hillary said...

((hugs)) I wish your nausea would GO AWAY! Even as somebody not pregnant, I can see how miserable that would be. Hang in there!

sarah @ life {sweet} life said...

I'm so sorry!! I can only imagine how miserable that would be. When I hear things like this it makes me wonder if I'm crazy for ever wishing I could get pregnant...kidding! :) I've just been catching up on your blog and it's apparent you've endured a lot to get to the point you are today. But it is still okay to complain so don't feel bad for wishing for morning sickness before you really knew what all it could bring! :) Hang in there!

Jessica White said...

I wish it would go away for you too: Does your doctor have any insight? Does ginger or papaya help? Hopefully it either eases up soon or something helps it.

Hang in there...