Monday, October 11, 2010

spend the night party

Friday night, Hampton stayed over at my parents' house for the first time since our vacation in June. (I don't know why we haven't taken advantage of this earlier!) It was nice to come home, hang out a bit, and go to bed dreaming of sleeping in. Of course, I was up by 8 b/c my internal alarm clock clearly didn't get the memo! I ran out, got Jordan and myself breakfast, and we were able to eat it without 1. protecting it from a curious little toddler and 2. trying to entertain said toddler. It was nice! I wouldn't trade it for our usual Saturday mornings, though! :)

I headed over to mom and dad's around lunch time, right as the little monkey was getting up from his first nap. The first words out of dad's mouth were "don't be mad" followed by a very happy guy coming around the corner with his first real boo boo--a bruise right at his eye where he had flung himself into the "smokestack" on his train! :( Poor baby!! It didn't seem to be bothering him, and it fortunately never turned into a real black eye, so it wasn't so bad after all. I'm pretty certain more of these incidents will occur with this wild child!

So, other than a few bumps and bruises, the spend the night party was a success! I know all 3 of them enjoyed the time together as much as Jordan and I did!
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Frugal Vicki said...

My BF thinks my husband doesn't like her watching the kids because they always get hurt....true they do but they also get hurt when I watch them. Just what toddlers do!

Jessica White said...

YAY! For time with grandma and grandpa...sounds like every one enjoyed themselves!

Yea, I think the cuts, bumps, and bruises are coming (and staying) with the territory.