Could I *BE* carrying any lower???
How far along: 32weeks, 5days
Total weight gain/loss: +23
Maternity clothes: Not really
Stretch marks: On my bootay--it seems to be what is stretching the most :/
Sleep: I don't think I will ever be well rested again...Seriously, can I take a nap right now?
Best moment this week: My shower, by far
Movement: He's got some sort of new convulsing movement going on in there. Not sure about that one...
Food cravings: I pretty much hate food. All meal decisions are made at the last second and usually are chosen by Jordan.
Gender: Boy!
Labor Signs: None, but I've started having BH contrax. They scared me at first b/c I didn't know what it was, but they aren't really painful, so all is well!
Belly Button in or out: In
What I miss: Bending over without groaning. haha.
What I am looking forward to: Doctor's appointment today to check on the monkey and another shower this Sunday!
Weekly Wisdom: Japanese food is not good for heartburn and reflux. 'Nuf said.
Milestones: BH starting. I guess that is a "milestone."
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